Monsanto... Unstoppable?



“Monsanto as a company lies, incredibly, about what they are doing. They bribe officials around the world and they seem to treat the world as their toilet. That’s not right for the rest of us.” –Urban Dictionary

You’ve probably heard about Monsanto as they have been all over the news for all the wrong reasons. Just recently, on March 26th, Obama signed H.R. 933, a 240 page government budget bill; buried inside was section 735. Written to benefit the big bad GMO birthing monster that is Monsanto.

This rider, attached to a COMPLETELY unrelated bill, protects Monsanto from federal courts and allows them to plant GMO seeds even if they are found to be harmful.

Section 735, appropriately nicknamed the “Monsanto Protection Act” by Dave Murphy, co-founder of Food Democracy Now, effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale and propagation of genetically modified seeds and crops. This means that if a study shows GMO’s to be harmful to our bodies, the law can’t do anything to stop Monsanto from CONTINUING to plant and grow any one of their 13 new GMO seeds!

Let’s not forget that GMO labeling still isn’t required, so there’s a good chance GMO’s are sneaking into your diet. Just last year, Wal-Mart, agreed to carry Monsanto’s GE Sweet Corn: the first ever GMO corn on the cobb sold directly to the consumer! No testing necessary; from their science lab to your dinner table these self-pesticide producing plants aren’t even required to have a label. Now that is definitely not a Healthy Surprise!

As consumers we need to EDUCATE ourselves about what we’re putting in our bodies. We need to speak up and not let big corporations get away with this! Take a stand by participating in the March Against Monsanto happening everywhere May 25!

Find the March closest to you.

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  • Joseph Winke
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