Healthy Surprise Blog — big food


The Food System Is Rigged: Insiders Tell All 0

We all know how hard it can be to ‘give up’ various foods. And with some foods, ‘once you pop – you can’t stop’. This isn’t a coincidence. Processed food is engineered to be as addictive as possible. A handful of large, multi-billion dollar business are...

Prop 37 – Label Gmo Foods. What's at Stake for You, California and Why You Should Learn More 0

November 6th Californians will vote on Prop 37, which if passed would require foods sold in the state that contain “GMO’s” (genetically modified organisms) to be labeled as such, and would prohibit marketing “such food as ‘natural’” by July 1, 2014. GMO’s are foods or animals that have had the genes of another species artificially forced into their DNA to introduce a new trait such as draught tolerance or insect repellant. Currently about 70% of the processed foods in America contain GMO’s. The bill is controversial and big money has lined up...