Healthy Surprise Blog
We accept Paypal 0
Hey Surprisers!
We accept Paypal again!
This will make it even easier for you to get the amazing foods you want and need delivered to your door!
To help you celebrate with us we made a 5% off coupon for you to use when you check out.
This offer starts March 2nd and goes until March 12th, so start your month off right with healthy food for your body!
The Healthy Surprise team
- V Nixie
Black Friday Sale and Hours 0
Hey Surprisers!
Our sale starts 11/24/15 and ends 11/30/15 all normal discount restrictions apply see our TOS for more details.
While our website will be up and running 24/7 to serve your snacking needs out team will be home with their families trying to convince them to make gluten free stuffing from 11/25/15-11/30/15. All orders and customer service emails will be attended to the week of 11/30 in the order they were received. We will do our best to get to everything in a timely manner.
Have a great holiday
The Healthy Surprise team
- Joseph Winke
Different Diet Types 0
When you stop being SAD (Standard American Diet) and/or get off the hugely popular Seefood Diet (See food, eat food), you have many options that are all huge improvements. Here you can find more details on the following diets...
- Joseph Winke
- Tags: diet education gluten-free raw
The Healthy Surprise Story - How it started 1
Started in a weekend in 2011, Healthy Surprise was launched at a weekend 'start a business' contest called Startup Weekend. I was just starting to take eating healthy seriously, and I was having difficulty...
- Joseph Winke
What is Gluten-Free? 0
What is Gluten Free?
What is gluten, anyway? Have you noticed the word popping up a lot recently? It’s almost always associated with someone who has experienced an allergic attack. In the media and especially among celebrities, gluten is deemed “public enemy number 1.” So, should everyone be avoiding gluten or just people whose immune system can’t handle it? What is gluten free? And where can you find gluten-free products?
There are many questions, but here’s a quick overview:
- Joseph Winke
- Tags: education gluten-free