Healthy Surprise Blog — recipe
Joelicious Kale Smoothie 0
Looking for a refreshing and nutritious way to start your day with some green? Try the Joelicious Kale Smoothie. It’s full of vitamins and goodness from fruits, greens, and even coconut oil! Mmmm…
- Joseph Winke
- Tags: corn-free dairy-free diy gluten-free GMO-Free grain-free paleo personal primal protein recipe soy-free vegan wheat-free yourself
Totally Tasty Candied Rosemary Dates 0

These dates may be totally indulgent tasting but you can eat 15 and it’s still less than half the sugar of a can of coke. Not to mention it’s natural sugar not disgusting high fructose corn syrup! Around the office these dates are affectionately called cucarachas, but...
- Joseph Winke
- Tags: corn-free dairy-free food gluten-free GMO-Free grain-free health Healthy Surprise paleo primal recipe soy-free wheat-free
Creamy Pesto Pasta Recipe 0
Oh how I missed pasta when I went Gluten-free! When I was in college I ate pasta about twice a day, it was cheap, easy to make and filled me up quickly between classes. Now that I’m a grown woman I still don’t have the time but...
- Shannon Drake
- Tags: carbohydrates carbs corn-free dairy-free food gluten-free GMO-Free grain-free health Healthy Surprise paleo primal recipe soy-free vegan wheat-free